Green Sziget
One of the Love Revolution’s main message is about environmental consciousness and sustainable development. Last year, we put a lot of effort into fulfilling our goals and becoming greener and plan on continuing with this tradition this year. The Love Revolution is our way of celebrating, that together, we can achieve sustainable development and environmental awareness in our daily lives.

Compensate your footprint by planting a tree in Sziget Forest.
In a green valley, north east of Budapest, by the Bedepuszta village, a former agricultural field will be turned into an ecological paradise. Sziget fans can adopt a tree for 25 euro to compensate their travel footprint.
Did you know?
A 2-hours flight from, for example, Amsterdam to Budapest and return, entails an average emission of 435 kg CO2, per passanger. A return trip by car is 300-350 kg divided by the number of occupants. A young adult tree absorbs about 25 kg of CO2 per year. In view of the long lifespan of most tree species that will be planted, the permitting of under and soil growth and the guarantee that trees will not be felled, it can be concluded that 1 tree absorbs more CO2 than the emissions of 5 return passenger flight.
Choose to go green at Sziget (too)!

Eat consciously! Red Meat Free Zones and Vegetarian options will be available for purchase at more food vendors than in previous years of the festival.

Reuse your tent and camping equipment! If not possible, give them away at an indicated collection point.

Collect waste selectively! Select your reusable waste and put them into different waste bins.

Choose being straw-free!

Arrive by bicycle! While traveling between the city centre and Sziget Festival, use bicycle or public transport.

Choose low emission transport! 80% of the carbon emission of Sziget comes from airplane usage. If you travel by plane, please, take part in our carbon compensation program!.

Use the assigned water taps and refill your tumbler!

Save water! If you use a push button shower, try to shower with pushing the button a maximum of three times!

Clean. Green. WIN!
Are you a camper? Take a vow to clean up your campsite’s waste after you leave the Island. Join our #GreenSziget TikTok challenge and be the lucky one to get one of the 10 T-shirts or the luckiest, to get one of the 10 Sziget passes for 2024!
Head to TikTok
Sustainable travel
We will encourage our visitors to travel by trains, buses, or bicycles to reduce airplane usage and its greenhouse gas emission.
Sziget’s centralized location in the capital makes it easily accessible via train. We recommend for those traveling internationally within Europe via train and for domestic train travel from within Hungary.

Carbon Compensation Program
We are offering two carbon compensation programs at this year’s festival. If you need to travel by airplane, we invite you to participate in our flight offsetting program for €15, which will be redistributed to organizations dedicated to carbon neutralization
Fear not, flyers, if you’ve already bought your festival pass, it’s not too late to revisit the online shop and buy a carbon offset.

Bike Friendly Festival
Bike to Sziget and enjoy free bike storage, a quick repair facility, and rental services!
Come by bike, cycle at least 500 km and be our guest at the Park Camping!

Green Camping Initiatives
Commitment Camp Zone
We will be adding a Commitment Camp Zone this year for festival goers who want to be surrounded by like minded campers committed to going green at Sziget and Leaving No Trace at their campsites.
Learn more
Green Camping Initiatives
Tidy Campsite Pledges
We’ll also be asking campers to pledge their commitment to leaving campsites tidy & leaving no tents behind via video messages.
Green campingWe’ll have collection checkpoints set up throughout the grounds for campers to donate unwanted tents or other camping gear to charity. Let’s work together to leave our campgrounds beautiful and green!

Water Points by DRINKiQ
Cut back on plastic bottles and refill water at the numerous drinking water taps across the festival. Look for the droplet of water symbols on the map to locate these points.

“Low Food-print” Initiatives
The festival is working towards increasing sustainable catering options. For this year’s festival, we are encouraging all food vendors to voluntarily comply with a baseline of sustainability measures, such as providing vegetarian/vegan options, reducing/eliminating red meat, using more locally sourced/organic ingredients, utilizing environmentally friendly cleaning products and monitoring/reducing food waste. Next year, vendors will be required to comply with a baseline of at least two of these measures, and this number will increase incrementally in future years.
All caterers are now required to buy fruits and vegetables that are seasonally available in Hungary from a centralized food retailer that exclusively sells local/domestic in-season produce.

Recycling Programs
We are currently able to recycle 42,5% of waste collected during the festival. We target to raise recycling to 50% in 2023. 100 of our volunteers will be working hard to make sure all recyclable items end up in the correct bin. We will have separate receptacles for PET plastic bottles and aluminum cans throughout the festival grounds, and additional receptacles for glass bottles and cardboard will be provided to our food vendors.

Collective Composting Lab
We extended our program to this year, that was awarded with European Innovation Award in 2019. Now we are going to collect compostable plates from 3 diners. The humus material made here will be used during the recultivation of Óbuda Island.

At the moment, around 100+ million plastic cups are used every year at UK festivals and live events, and most are incinerated or sent to landfills. We are working to reshape the future with our Re-Cup initiative. Each year, we save approximately 1 million single use cups with this program. To put it in perspective, that’s enough cups to fill 11 football fields.

Don’t Suck!
Straws are extremely harmful to the environment, therefore bartenders will only provide reusable straws upon request.

Pocket Ashtrays
30 000 pocket ashtrays will be handed out throughout the island. Available by request at camping reception and recycling centers.

Sustainability Report
We have prepared a public sustainability report. We’d like to use this to keep track and monitor our progress as well as, allow others to glance at our data and learn more about how effective our policies and measures have been.
Click to read
Circular economy transition
We have entered into a partnership with Green Deal Circular Festivals. As part of this partnership, we are working towards strengthening data provision systems and requiring our third party vendors to provide data on energy, waste and raw material usage.
Let me see
The FestArt Activism: Upcycle Today & Unite Tomorrow project aims to raise awareness and solidarity around climate change as a community event. Every day of the festival, meet us at the green spots where we will make upcycled accessories and banners with the help of Pinkponilo creative studio staff and march together to the Main Stage on the 15th! Together with influencers Tori Tsui and Vanessa Nakate, we will express that we are doing something for our future, today and every day!

We have partnered with Superar in an effort to demonstrate the impact and power that music and musical education have on society as a whole. We support music lessons for children through this program.
Learn more